Congratulations on starting your journey to your “Feinest” smile!
You will love your future smile, but you may have a few questions about your treatment right now. Dr. Feinstein and our team are here to help.
Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation, No Referral Needed!
Here are a few tips on adjusting to life with braces:
- Brush and floss regularly. Ask our orthodontist about oral hygiene aids that might help you brush and floss while wearing braces so you can keep your teeth clean and healthy.
- Pack a “braces care kit” to keep with you at work, at school and when you are on the go. We recommend including a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste, floss, orthodontic wax and extra rubber bands, but anything that might help your day go more smoothly is a good idea.
- Watch what you eat – some foods can cause damage to your braces, so we recommend that you avoid anything that is too hard, sticky, chewy or crunchy. Ask our orthodontist for a list of foods to avoid while wearing braces!
- Keep visiting your regular dentist! This will help keep your teeth and smile healthy.
- If you play a sport, wear an athletic mouth guard. This oral appliance helps protect your teeth, mouth and braces.
- Make and keep all your follow-up visits to Feinstein 360 Orthodontics. This will help keep your smile on track.

If you have any questions about life with braces or to make an appointment with our board-certified orthodontist in Chesterfield, Virginia, give us a call at 804-735-0365!
Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation, No Referral Needed!